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Cross-Platform Dotfiles with Chezmoi, Nix, Brew, and Devpod
·1064 words·5 mins
New article! Introduction # This guide walks you through the structure and approach I’ve taken to manage my productivity workflow with dotfiles. My setup is designed to work across both macOS and Linux distros, leveraging modern tools like Chezmoi and Nix to streamline terminal configuration and package management.
Simplifying Secret Management with Azure Key Vault and External Secret Operator
·880 words·5 mins
Secret handling has always been a pain point for me over the past few years. Most of the time, I ended up using services with features I didn’t need, and even worse, wasting money on them.
Homelab: Installation and Configuration of Talos on Raspberry Pi
·1556 words·8 mins
New article! Introduction # Talos is rapidly becoming the go-to operating system for Kubernetes clusters, and for good reason. As part of my ongoing experiments with my homelab, I decided to see if the hype was justified.
Starting Small: The Beginning of My Kubernetes Homelab Journey
·729 words·4 mins
Introduction # After years of anticipation, I’ve finally embarked on my homelab journey. The shift to remote work post-COVID has gifted me the time to pursue this long-awaited hobby. Gone are the days of staring longingly at my idle Raspberry Pi after exhausting commutes; now, I can put it to good use.
Code, Clusters, and Gelato: A DevOps Summer Story
·261 words·2 mins
It’s 3 PM on August 12th, and I’m sitting at my desk. Outside, the summer heat is intense, but my shutters are closed, creating a cocoon of coolness around me.
How to be productive in the post covid era
·966 words·5 mins
I’m 100% sure that you have already read a lot of topics about productivity and how to apply them in real life, but did you apply what you learned?