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Simplifying Secret Management with Azure Key Vault and External Secret Operator

·880 words·5 mins
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Homelab - This article is part of a series.
Part 3: This Article

Secret handling has always been a pain point for me over the past few years. Most of the time, I ended up using services with features I didn’t need, and even worse, wasting money on them. That’s why I decided to spend some time doing proper research to find the right tool. Nowadays, FinOps has become a huge topic, and I’m starting to understand why. It seems like cloud providers design their pricing to keep you from understanding what’s really going on. But that’s off-topic (allow me a little rant :)).

The features I wanted in a secret management service were:

  • A central place to store secrets
  • Ability to audit secret usage
  • A straightforward process

Just the basic features — nothing complex. First of all, I did some quick research on the services provided by the major cloud providers, especially from a cost perspective. My requirements were to store a maximum of 50 secrets, nothing fancy in terms of encryption, easy integration with Kubernetes, and fewer than 10K API calls monthly:

ProviderSecret Storage (50 secrets)Customer-Managed Key CostAdditional Key Rotation Costs
AWS Secrets Manager$20$1 per KMS keyFree with Lambda but costs for KMS API calls
Azure Key Vault$1.50$1-$3 per CMKMinimal operational costs per key operation
Google Cloud Secret Manager$3$0.20 per keyManual rotation (requires automation)

There was the option to store Vault Open Source on the Kubernetes cluster. However, you’d have to think about how to handle the sealed/unsealed process, think about encryption for data at rest, and so on. Honestly, it felt like overkill for my current needs, and it went against my principle of keeping things simple.

I consistently avoided other smaller cloud services I didn’t have experience with. Now, I guess you’re wondering what I chose, right? Jokes aside, the choice was obvious in terms of cost. Plus, all the services listed had more than enough basic features, so I decided to stick with Azure Key Vault.

Azure Key Vault

I don t want to dive too deep into the setup of Azure Key Vault. The official doc here: definitely explains the steps better than I can. Be sure to set up a proper user with the least privileged policies.

There are different approaches you can follow to connect to the service from outside, but I decided to use a Service Principal with read permissions to the Azure Key Vault service.

By CLI, you can create both the Service Principal and the policy:

az ad sp create-for-rbac --name <service-principal-name> --skip-assignment

This will output:

  "appId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "displayName": "<service-principal-name>",
  "name": "http://<service-principal-name>",
  "password": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "tenant": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"

Then, grab the appId and attach the reading permission to the Service Principal:

az keyvault set-policy --name <your-key-vault-name> --spn <your-service-principal-appId> --secret-permissions get list

After that, I created all the secrets via UI. You can also create them via CLI or set up IaC (Infrastructure as Code) for that. Maybe I’ll dig into this in the next few days.

External Secret Operator

Finally, here’s the juicy part — setting up the integration with the Kubernetes cluster. I heard good things about the External Secret Operator, both for its simplicity and its integration capabilities. So, I decided to give it a try and integrate Azure Key Vault with it.

For the installation part, there is a handy helm chart you can use. I integrated it into my FluxCD GitOps setup; you can check out the configuration in my homelab repo here.

After installation, you need to handle the configuration. The External Secret Operator offers two CRs (Custom Resources) for connecting to an external secret service:

  • ClusterSecretStore
  • SecretStore

The first allows you to use this connection across all namespaces, while the second is tied to a specific namespace. I opted for the cluster-scoped one because I didn’t need a namespaced connection:

kind: ClusterSecretStore
  name: secret-store
    # provider type: azure keyvault
      # azure tenant ID, see:
      tenantId: "1ed4ffe0-36d4-476f-bc06-741936223e6a"
      # URL of your vault instance, see:
      vaultUrl: ""
        # points to the secret that contains
        # the azure service principal credentials
          name: azure-secret-sp
          key: ClientID
          namespace: external-secret-operator
          name: azure-secret-sp
          key: ClientSecret
          namespace: external-secret-operator
Important!: For the secret azure-secret-sp, grab the appId for the ClientID and the password for the ClientSecret. The example output from the earlier section shows you how.

With this connection, you can create secrets using the ExternalSecret CR. For example, here’s a basic-auth secret:

kind: ExternalSecret
  name: wallabag-db-creds-external
  refreshInterval: 1h
    kind: ClusterSecretStore
    name: secret-store-dev
    name: wallabag-db-creds
    creationPolicy: Owner
    # name of the SECRET in the Azure KV (no prefix is by default a SECRET)
    - secretKey: username
        key: wallabag-db-username
    - secretKey: password
        key: wallabag-symphony-password

And a general secret:

kind: ExternalSecret
  name: wallabag-storage-creds
  refreshInterval: 1h
    kind: ClusterSecretStore
    name: secret-store-dev
    name: azure-creds
    creationPolicy: Owner
    - secretKey: wallabag-connection-string
        key: wallabag-connection-string

The reconciliation is pretty fast. One thing that could be improved is the logging. Sometimes, the reconciliation didn’t happen because of a configuration mistake on my end, and the logs were a bit misleading. That said, it works flawlessly, and the process is really streamlined.

I highly suggest giving this operator a try.

Alfonso Fortunato
Alfonso Fortunato
DevOps engineer dedicated to sharing knowledge and ideas. I specialize in tailoring CI/CD pipelines, managing Kubernetes clusters, and designing cloud-native solutions. My goal is to blend technical expertise with a passion for continuous learning, contributing to the ever-evolving DevOps landscape.
Homelab - This article is part of a series.
Part 3: This Article