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Welcome to My DevOps Journey!

Hey there! I’m Alfonso, a passionate DevOps Engineer hailing from the beautiful city of Salerno, Italy.
I started this blog as a way to document my own journey in the DevOps world. It’s a field that’s constantly evolving, and I find myself learning something new every day. By sharing my experiences - both the successes and the struggles - I hope to connect with others who are on a similar path.
I don’t claim to have all the answers, but I’m excited to explore, learn, and grow alongside you. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, I hope you’ll find something valuable here. Feel free to reach out, share your thoughts, or just say hello.
After all, the best part of this journey is the community we build along the way.

What’s This Blog All About?

This is my digital playground where I share:

  • My thoughts and insights on Cloud Native technologies
  • The challenges I face and overcome in my career
  • Exciting new things I’m learning
  • Productivity hacks that keep me on top of my game
  • And much more!

My Current Goals

  1. 🏠 Expand my homelab (currently rocking a 4 Raspberry Pi cluster)
  2. 🚀 Earn the coveted Kubeastronaut title (that jacket is too cool to pass up!)
  3. ✍️ Level up my technical writing skills
  4. 🌟 Share my passions with you, my awesome readers

Recent Achievements

I recently passed the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam (stay tuned for a detailed blog post!).
Next up? I’m setting my sights on the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) certification later this month.

Join Me on This Adventure!

It’s a dangerous business, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.

Bilbo Baggins, LOTR

Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I’m truly glad you’re here.


Homelab: Installation and Configuration of Talos on Raspberry Pi
·1556 words·8 mins
New article! Introduction # Talos is rapidly becoming the go-to operating system for Kubernetes clusters, and for good reason. As part of my ongoing experiments with my homelab, I decided to see if the hype was justified.
Starting Small: The Beginning of My Kubernetes Homelab Journey
·729 words·4 mins
Introduction # After years of anticipation, I’ve finally embarked on my homelab journey. The shift to remote work post-COVID has gifted me the time to pursue this long-awaited hobby. Gone are the days of staring longingly at my idle Raspberry Pi after exhausting commutes; now, I can put it to good use.
Code, Clusters, and Gelato: A DevOps Summer Story
·261 words·2 mins
It’s 3 PM on August 12th, and I’m sitting at my desk. Outside, the summer heat is intense, but my shutters are closed, creating a cocoon of coolness around me.
How to be productive in the post covid era
·966 words·5 mins
I’m 100% sure that you have already read a lot of topics about productivity and how to apply them in real life, but did you apply what you learned?